Patti, her daughters, and their sweet pup Harley took a fun road trip to visit colleges back in February! She reminds her daughters how important it is to see the big picture, and not just focus on finding “the perfect brand name school”, especially if it isn’t right for you, and wanted to remind all of you too! Here are Patti’s thoughts below…
As everyone heads back to college this week, I stumbled upon these photos of a college tour with my daughters from back in February. It got us reminiscing about this fun trip traveling through North Carolina and visiting 4 colleges and Universities. Looking back, we admit it was more about the fun road trip with Hazel & Harley than serious college scouting, LOL!

There is so much pressure put on high school students about getting good grades, being a leader, having extracurricular activities you are passionate about... all for the purpose of getting in to a good college that has a good brand name the family can be proud of. Ugh! Well not us!
We wish all the stressed-out kids out there could relax and just live in the moment. Of course, it’s good to be yourself, be kind, try to find your passions and figure out what your gifts are (even if it’s much later in life), enjoy the little things…and try to make the world a better place. But gosh…. there is a college for everyone…and fancy colleges aren’t better than others.

"Why worry? If you've done the best you can, worrying won't make it any better." - Walt Disney