Your heart is beating a bit too fast and you have a sick feeling in your stomach. It’s all you can think about. That’s what anxiety feels like. What I just described is also the feeling you get when you realize someone you love is truly suffering from the mental torment that is anxiety. The primal response is, “I’ll fix it!”, but as often the case, we don’t know how. I had to figure it out for my son and now my passion is helping others get the help they need. I know it’s scary but, I promise, even mountains can be moved. With the right treatment, people get better. Fight for it, believe it and love with all your heart. Follow a few simple steps to begin the road to recovery, for yourself, or for someone you love.”
- Kim Vincenty
Founder of JACK Mental Health Advocacy
A percent of proceeds from the Fearless Giveback Collection supports JACK Mental Health Advocacy, a nonprofit created to change the way anxiety sufferers and their families navigate the challenges of mental illness, fight stigma, and obtain quality education, support, and treatment.