What does happy look like? Scroll down and take a look. This is me, 38 years old. Mother of four beautiful children: Elizabeth (10), Emma (9), Zachary (7) and Jacob (5). My hair wasn't always this short, but then again, my hair wasn't always this long! A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC breast cancer and within three weeks was in surgery to safe my life. Chemotherapy followed, my hair started falling out, I took control and shaved it off. Then my BFF introduced me to the Boho Bandeau! I purchased one and fell in love. I wore it to my very next chemo and something magical happened. Mary, another cancer patient, was just starting to lose her hair. She commented on how she loved my head wrap and at that very moment I removed it from my head and handed it over. She was thrilled! Happy tears flowed from both of us as well as my sister who was with me. Mary put it on and glowed!

Me and my sister!
That evening my sister ordered two more Boho Bandeaus and had them shipped to me. I wore them all the time, and then, once again, another cancer patient commented on how neat it was and I removed it and handed it over. Back to the store I went for another and I felt so fulfilled by making someone else's day. Fast forward a few months, chemotherapy and radiation were over, my hair is back, I am on the road to recovery. And then another friend got diagnosed with breast cancer. My first package mailed to her contained one of the two Boho Bandeaus I had left and once again I felt warm and fuzzy inside because I knew how much she would love it. A few days ago I put my Boho back on, except this time it is a headband and not a head cover. It FELT AMAZING. This Boho has been with me through it all and my previous Boho Bandeaus put a smile and sense of relief on three other faces. You just can't buy that kind of happiness!