Patti is on the board of a charity organization close to her heart, the HEAL Foundation. HEAL, Helping Enrich Autistic Lives, is a local nonprofit organization that's on a mission to inspire, educate, and fund services for those affected by autism in our community. To date, HEAL has donated $2.2 million to our community through specialized programs, camps, educational enhancements, iPads and autism service dogs! Everything that is raised for HEAL, stays in our community!

The most recent donation from HEAL was gifting 250 trikes ($90,000!) to local schools from kindergarten all the way through high school. It’s easy to take for granted the joy of riding a bike! This gives autistic students the ability and freedom to experience the independence and joy we all feel while riding a bike! Many special needs students have challenges with the vestibular system, balance and coordination so they are unable to master riding a two-wheel bike. The trikes are stable and offer students the opportunity to independently master riding, steering and navigating.

"Autism has escalated to a staggering 1 in 40 school-aged children, many families are in crisis and we need help more than ever. HEAL has reached over $2.2 million in charitable giving to area schools and organizations, including 420 iPads that help children with autism communicate. Generous donors and volunteers are vital to making these initiatives and programs possible. We are grateful to all whose involvement helps HEAL assist those living with autism." –Leslie Weed, Founder of HEAL
Learn more about HEAL here and consider supporting their next initiative... building 5 all-ability parks in Northeast Florida!

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