Free-Spirits of Natural Life

Taylor Ellison
I Believe in
Angels! We wanted to know what makes Taylor, our new intern, so positive and joyful! Get ready to be inspired...
Here is Patti's interview with her!
Dear Taylor, You are such a positive person who sees the good in everything around you...and you’re soooo nice to everyone! Your positivity is contagious and we are so lucky to have you interning at Natural Life. We are curious about your special gift and want to know more about you.
We notice that your positivity rubs off on people and brightens their day. Do people tell you all the time how nice you are – what do they say about you?
Sometimes! It definitely shocks me every time! Everyone that I meet is so amazing - it always means so much to me when someone says that I make them smile, because everyone gives me so much joy and makes me smile, too.
Do you think you have always been like this?
No, not at all!!! It is actually so funny how different I am from who I used to be. Growing up, I was much more “to myself”, and my spirit was very insecure and selfish. A couple of years ago in 2013 (my sophomore year of college), I encountered Jesus when I heard a man preaching the Bible. I was touched by the gospel deeply, began truly believing in Jesus (beyond just the cultural understanding of Christianity that I had before) and began spending time with him reading my Bible every day. God began changing me very rapidly as I spent time with Him and my heart became a different place – He put a ton of love into it and began growing spiritual fruits, especially joy. All of my joy comes from Jesus himself! He has been so kind to me. His kindness stirs in my heart.
“What is your favorite Natural Life saying?”
Ahhh it is so hard to choose - every saying is so insightful and wise!! The saying “
It’s the little things…” resonates so deeply to me, because it is SO TRUE… the little things are powerful and hold so much meaning. It corresponds to another
Natural Life sentiment that I love SO MUCH that says, “one
kind word can change someone’s entire day. It is the little things, like a kind word, that can change EVERYTHING. When I began working at
Natural Life a month ago, everyone was so genuinely encouraging to me – each little kind word that everyone gave to me, and every smile, impacted me MOMENTOUSLY! It meant so much and filled me with encouragement. The little things, done with a genuine heart, have momentous impact.
What is your favorite Natural Life treasure?
My favorite
Natural Life product is 100% the
Happy Notes. They are so amazing. Flipping through the book at all of the sayings and words warm my heart and make me smile so big. I love it so much because it is a product that is purposed not to keep for yourself, but rather to give to others – to encourage others and lift them up. Again, one kind word can change EVERYTHING… the
Happy Notes bring so much joy to others! I love them.
How did you find Natural Life and why did you decide to intern here?
I found
Natural Life (the brand) when I worked at Francesca’s as one of my jobs in college… we sell NL products!!! My first NL product that I ever received was a Natural Life prayer box. I found this opportunity to intern here at the office through an email! In college, I was involved in a group called “Women in Business Society”, and our group’s Club Advisor, Shannon Italia, recommended me to
Natural Life’s Human Resources Manager when she heard that NL was looking for a new marketing intern! I am SO THANKFUL – this opportunity to be working in this wonderful place is a COMPLETE blessing!
Off the top of your head, what are some words of wisdom you would give to younger girls in high school and just beginning college?
One of my favorite things that I have heard lately is from the new Cinderella movie – “Perhaps the greatest risk we will ever take is to be seen as we really are”. It is so true. Jesus speaks about that in the Bible so much – this concept of “stepping out into the Light” and allowing your true self to be exposed! Being yourself is such a scary thing for some people – It definitely has been for me – but through college, God has gently given me more courage to “step out into the light” and walk in freedom. To younger girls, I encourage that – to have courage, step into the light and be as you really are.
What kind of work do you want to do in your career… do you know yet?
I’m not totally sure but I know that I want to do things to serve others, and I love mission trips. Working at Natural Life is a dream for me - this company serves others SO WELL by placing so many words of encouragement in peoples’ lives!
Thank you so much Taylor….your words are so inspiring to me! The impact your story will have on people from reading this is going to change so many lives including my own. I can’t wait for you to meet my daughters and to talk to you more about your enlightening. I’m so excited for everyone to read this!
...Angels are often disguised as really sweet interns...