Every day, the Natural Life corporate office is filled with “busy-ness” with very little time to reflect on the magic we are creating or to enjoy the little things together. The craving to SLOW DOWN with the team I work so hard with inspired an idea to plan an annual Artist/Brand Retreat! For this years retreat we adventured to Little Saint Simons Island, one of the most magical places I’ve ever been… and only an hour and a half from us! It’s a small island that you can only get to by boat…the cottages fit our 20x person team perfectly and the all inclusive meals included amazing experiences like an oyster roast, low country boil, s’mores and family style dinners inside the most charming lodge we’ve ever seen! It’s hard to put into words how special our time was together… over the years we’ve become family and like with all relationships, it’s important to take time to slow down and connect on a different level. We collected all our favorite photos to document the best parts of our special trip and share them with you!

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