Pay It Forward Day: Renewing Dignity

April 28th is Pay It Forward Day! Pay It Forward Day is a global initiative that exists to make a difference by creating a huge ripple of kindness felt across the world. At Natural Life, we believe it's the little things that mean the most, that kindness really does matter, you should always be yourself, do what you love, and try to make the world a better place!



This year, to celebrate Pay It Forward Day, the Natural Life Family collected period products to donate to one of our GiveBack partners, Renewing Dignity! We also donated custom Happy Bags we made for their organization (read more about them below)! Our friend, Jan Healy, founded an organization called Renewing Dignity, whose mission is to eliminate “period poverty” through menstrual product distribution, education and advocacy. When we heard Jan's idea, we couldn't wait to help her!




 Patti, Natural Life Founder and CEO, joined the Renewing Dignity Board of Directors and started brainstorming ways to help this amazing organization! After putting our heads together, we decided to make the cutest Period Pouches and a Happy Bag to carry period supplies in. 


This Happy Bag is made with recycled water bottles and never gets dog-eared so you really can use it forever! It features a sweet sentiment on the front, facts about Renewing Dignity and period poverty on the back & an incredibly informative list of period myths written by board member Dr. Marta Perez-Chomat on the sides of the bag. 


 Each Period Pouch comes with a helpful insert card that features an incredibly informative list of period myths written by board member Dr. Perez-Chomat. It’s the kind of information that every woman wishes they had when they were younger. The best part is that 10% of the proceeds from these products is donated to Renewing Dignity to help their mission!



We are on a mission to make the world a better place by inspiring people to Give & Live Happy! If you would like to support this wonderful organization, we invite you to donate today!