Don't you love how the perfect playlist makes you relaxed and happy? We made one we call the Natural Life Chill Playlist on Spotify that is our favorite almost any time of the day! We hope you love it or that it inspires you to make a playlist with your own favorite songs. Listen to it here !
It makes us so happy to see people discover their passions and follow their dreams! Patti's daughter, Madison, and family friend, Haley, are both super talented musicians! Madison has taught herself how to write, record and produce music and Haley has moved to Nashville to focus on her singing and songwriting career. You can subscribe to Madison's channel here and Haley's Spotify here! Music is so powerful!!

Music has always been such a big part of Natural Life and we even hosted our own Natural Life Music Festival in our hometown, Jacksonville, FL for over 10 years! Music Festivals are our version of the perfect day to spend with friends and family... slowing down to enjoy the little things in life! It was a free family-friendly giveback event full of awesome music, delicious food, local artisans, nostalgic crafts and tons of fun. We can't wait to bring it back one day! Until then, we'll have fun traveling the country finding our favorite festivals!

We love sharing inspiring and relatable Chirps on our Instagram every morning! Follow us on Instagram here or sign up here to receive a daily Chirp to your inbox! You’ll be the first to see new treasures, fun promotions and quotes that motivate you as you start your day!