... for pancakes! Today we're celebrating Bridget's birthday, our Product Development Specialist! Her teammate, Adrienne came up with the cutest idea ever... a pancake bar!! Who doesn't love pancakes?!

The Birthday Girl!!

Top Chef, Adrienne, womanning the griddle!
Yummmmm! ?
SPRINKLES make life more fun!!
... and chocolate, of course!

Cookin' up a storm in her Live Happy Tee and Prairie Skirt (on SALE!!)!
Whipped cream, fruit and syrup... can't go wrong there! Also, lookin' good in our Tie-Dye Tassel Tunic, Sara!!
Flag Garlands make PERFECT birthday decorations!!!
More sprinkles, please!
What a thing of beauty!
Coffee, fruit, pancakes... morning necessities!
Happy Birthday, Bridge!! We love you! ❤️